Easy Spring Dishes With Time-Saving Shortcuts

I confess: I refuse to blanch, peel and seed a tomato, even if the recipe says to. Every cook has a fussiness threshold, and that exceeds mine. So when the whole blanch-peel-seed thing comes up in dishes as delightful as Pierre Franey’s sautéed salmon with leeks and tomatoes, I simply cheat and throw unblanched, unpeeled,…

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A Chicken and Noodles Recipe for Spring

The tips of deciduous trees are showing the barest tinge of green, and flowering fruit trees are in full bloom. A neighbor’s forsythia has come to life, bulbs are busily doing their thing. Spring has arrived. At farmers’ markets on the West Coast, where I reside, peas and fava beans are showing up, and just…

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Trustworthy Recipes for False Spring

During a trip to the grocery store this week, I was stopped in my tracks by my one true harbinger of warmer days to come: the arrival of ranunculus, a darling of spring and my favorite blooms, in the floral section. It is also, coincidentally, “false spring” here in New York, with temperatures tipping into…

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