How to Exercise for Lower Blood Pressure

Hypertension affects more than half of America’s adult population. It is a leading cause of stroke and heart attack, and often comes with no obvious early symptoms. One of the best ways to both prevent high blood pressure and lower it is by working out (as well as an improved diet). That’s in part because…

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The 25 Essential Pasta Dishes to Eat in Italy

Tourists tend to flock to Macerata, a small hilltop city in the eastern part of the Marche region, for two reasons: The summer opera festival and the decidedly unsummery seven-layer baked pasta dish known as vincisgrassi. Letizia Carducci, one of the three siblings who have been running the 30-seat Osteria Dei Fiori, which opened in…

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A Forest Retreat in ‘Tokyo’s Backyard’

KARUIZAWA IS OFTEN called “Tokyo’s backyard” because it’s here, an hour northwest by bullet train, that city people come to escape the summer heat. For the executives and government officials who own villas in the resort town, it’s akin to the Hamptons or Malibu but, rather than coastline, this mountainous part of Nagano prefecture is…

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The Jeweler Hancocks Updates Its Home to Rediscover Its Past

The St. James’s district of London is known for its gentlemen’s clubs, aristocratic residences and craft specialists including tailors, milliners and perfumers. Recently joining them is the 175-year-old British jeweler Hancocks & Co., which last month relocated its showroom from a shop within the Burlington Arcade in the Mayfair district to a renovated Georgian townhouse…

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Pizza Box Recycling Bins Are Here

It’s always fun — and convenient — to bring pizza to a picnic or birthday party on a warm day in Central Park. That is, until it’s time to throw out the cardboard box, which requires shoving a square peg into the round hole of a recycling bin. In an attempt to eliminate the fuss…

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