These Mobile Games are For the Birds

Parrots have much in common with toddlers. The brainy birds can learn to recognize colors and shapes, manipulate objects, build large vocabularies and make their needs known at improbably high volumes. They are also playful, intelligent and curious; without ample cognitive enrichment, they quickly become bored. So owners of pet parrots sometimes turn to a…

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How Waymo Driverless Cars Could Change Los Angeles

Los Angeles, to drivers, has never been for the faint of heart. A land where most cannot fathom life without wheels, it offers a daily parade of frustration: congestion, accidents, construction, road rage, tedium. Every transplant has a story about learning to adapt. “You get in the rhythm of matching everyone else’s energy,” said Tamara…

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Apple Steps Up Its Lobbying to Change Patent Rules

Over the past decade, some of Apple’s biggest regulatory headaches have come from a little-known federal agency called the U.S. International Trade Commission. The agency’s patent judges have found Apple guilty of appropriating innovations in smartphones, semiconductors and smartwatches. And recently, they forced Apple to remove a health feature from Apple Watches. Now the tech…

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Microsoft Hires DeepMind Co-Founder to Run Consumer A.I.

Mustafa Suleyman, a co-founder of Google’s DeepMind artificial intelligence lab, is leaving the start-up he was running to lead Microsoft’s consumer A.I. business, in another sign of Microsoft’s aggressive plans for the technology. Mr. Suleyman will report directly to Satya Nadella, Microsoft’s chief executive, the company said on Tuesday. Mr. Suleyman, whose start-up, Inflection AI,…

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