Plush, Perfumed Pepperpot – The New York Times

Good morning. Time was, a goodly part of my correspondence was with readers annoyed with me or with The New York Times for publishing recipes calling for ingredients unavailable to them, either for reasons of geography or because they didn’t wish to stray beyond the aisles of their local supermarket. Online shopping and better supermarkets…

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Chips as Chicken and Wings as Dip

Today’s newsletter is all about recipes that take the flavors of one beloved food and apply them to something else, creating a dish that’s both familiar and novel. What can we say? It’s the end of January, we’re a little stir-crazy and we love a bit of fun in the kitchen. First up: Ali Slagle’s…

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How to Cook Salmon in the Microwave

Gary Weinstein, a retired lawyer, has lived in Manhattan for 30 years, and for most of that time, he has used his oven for storage. “It stares at me with mockery,” he said, gesturing to the forsaken pans inside. His relationship with his microwave, however, is far more collegial. Mr. Weinstein relies on it to…

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These Are Superior Potatoes – The New York Times

Good morning. Mark Bittman is a freewheeling cook, a minimalist, open to improvisation. His recipes are often set-it-and-forget-it in style. If I were writing his biography, I’d title it “Largely Unattended.” Kenji López-Alt is the opposite: an exacting, scientifically minded kitchen authority who employs terms like “polysaccharide glue” to explain why, for example, his Parmesan-crusted…

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