¿Por qué nos cuesta tanto salir de la cama al despertar?

Cuando la casa está helada y afuera todavía reina la oscuridad parece razonable, incluso noble, disfrutar de unos minutos extra en la cama. En TikTok, algunos celebran esta acogedora holgazanería matutina como “hurkle-durkling”, en referencia a una antigua frase escocesa para pasar el tiempo despierto en la cama. Tanto si quieres acurrucarte bajo las mantas…

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¿Por qué nos cuesta tanto salir de la cama al despertar?

Cuando la casa está helada y afuera todavía reina la oscuridad parece razonable, incluso noble, disfrutar de unos minutos extra en la cama. En TikTok, algunos celebran esta acogedora holgazanería matutina como “hurkle-durkling”, en referencia a una antigua frase escocesa para pasar el tiempo despierto en la cama. Tanto si quieres acurrucarte bajo las mantas…

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An Easy Way to Elevate Your Grapes

But there are rewards for treating grapes as more — as an ingredient, something with multiple shades of flavor and the capacity to transform. Roast them in the oven until the skins pucker and split and the flesh grows slouchy, verging on collapse. What was once a high, reedy pitch of sweetness takes on body…

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Why Are Grapes Suddenly Everywhere?

Grapes have been associated with pleasure since ancient times, a symbol of Bacchus, the god of wine and revelry. These days, clusters of plummy Concords, oval autumn royals and dusky kyohos are decorating dinner tables, doubling as cornucopian decorations and low-effort snacks. “You can get a beautiful, imperfect drip and drape from grapes,” says the…

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Parents Outraged After Willy Wonka Event in Glasgow

Families in Scotland were expecting to taste chocolate treats and observe “optical marvels” at a Willy Wonka-themed event in Glasgow this past weekend. Instead, they got a couple of jelly beans, a short walk around a nearly empty warehouse and a visit from police officers. The event, Willy’s Chocolate Experience, scheduled for Feb. 24 and…

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