Pesto, Pizza and Potato Salad

To the person who first wrote H.A.G.S. in my yearbook a lifetime ago: Thanks a lot. I’ve taken that mandate to heart ever since, dedicating myself year after year to having the greatest summer I can imagine. And with that comes a bit of anxiety: Have I crossed a single activity off my summer bucket…

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The Last Stand of the Woolly Mammoths

For millions of years, mammoths lumbered across Europe, Asia and North America. Starting roughly 15,000 years ago, the giant animals began to vanish from their vast range until they survived on only a few islands. Eventually they disappeared from those refuges, too, with one exception: Wrangel Island, a land mass the size of Delaware over…

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What to Do About Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is more common than one might think. More than half of men over 40 will experience some kind of erectile problem, and the prevalence increases with age (though men in their 20s and 30s can be affected, too). The experience can have a devastating effect on a man’s well-being. Yet a shocking number…

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Lanvin, Oldest French Fashion House, Names a New Designer

A major vacancy in the fashion world has been filled. On Thursday, Lanvin, the oldest French couture house in continual existence, named Peter Copping its new artistic director, an appointment that indicates a potential return to pure designers after a period in which the buzz was focused on content creators. “Peter Copping’s arrival at Lanvin…

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